About me

Industrial engineer turned software developer. I highly value finding challenges that push me to learn fast and adapt to new ways of approaching problems. The teams I work with report that my desire to find clean, efficient solutions, paired with my ability to stay positive under pressure have made our projects successful.

While my current knowledge will enable me to hit the ground running and contribute to any team I join, I’m seeking the opportunity to learn from my peers and to continue growing as a professional. I have experience working in many multicultural teams and enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with others to produce exceptional work.

I want a company where learning and taking risks are valued. I want to work where people have ownership in their work, their process, and their results. In return, I offer that company my unflagging enthusiasm for DRY and reusable code, my years of experience working with high-level business analytics, and my ability to absorb and apply new skills quickly and effectively.

Best At

  • Ruby/ Rails
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • CSS
  • HTML 5
  • JavaScript
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Agile Development
  • Git workflow
  • RESTful APIs

Looking For

Backend or Full Stack opportunities

Team collaboration

Opportunities to keep learning new languages and frameworks

Balance between independent and collaborative work

Challenging and meaningful work